last updated |

May 10th 2006
Flying was moderate. The winds were heavy at
times, and the planes weren't doing so well. We need to purchase
three cell packs. Matt did really well flying the Frog. Prachi
is catching up quickly.
click for matt's flight video

April 19th 2006
Tom brought in his foam SU-27 and repaired it after Mr.Voicheck
nearly landed it on the roof two weeks ago. At least it didn't
go on the roof. |

Ryan brought in his Air Hogs Aero
Ace. This plane is so small and only weighs 19g. We flew it in
the gym and H-14!
click here for Aero Ace video

April 5th 2006
John, Prachi, Matt, and Mr.Voicheck worked on getting the
Skeeter (HLG) built. The wing was started and is halfway done.
We're hoping to have the plane done by mid May. How should we
cover it? |
.jpg) |
March 1st 2006
Today the club flew outside with the frogs. The club has
done more flying this year, than all years combined. Ryan
brought his Yak-54 and flew it alongside the two frogs. It was
much faster than the other planes.
click for flight video
.jpg) |
February 22nd, 2006
The club was flying two frogs at the same time, and
Mr.Voicheck wasn't at the controls. Prachi was able to get some
flight time on the buddy box, and Matt was flying around, with
his repaired frog. The weather wasn't too bad for winter, but we
had to come in once to warm up. Tom and Ryan want to combat the
frogs. |

February 15th, 2006
Matt put two long flights on his Frog with out any assistance
from Mr.V. He is a natural to RC Flying. A gust of wind took the
plane and pushed the nose into the ground, so it will need some
repair for next week. While Matt was flying, Mr.V found a few
seconds to fly the other Frog next to Matt's Frog. This marks
the first time two planes were flown at the same time; one flown
by a student and the other flown by Mr.V.
check out the flight video

February 1st, 2006
The Frogs are finally finished. It was a calm afternoon for
flying and Matt, Prachi, Mr.Waddington and I went out to attempt
some flying. One frog had a dead transmitter battery so we
swapped crystals to temporarily fix this problem. The plane flew
very well as you can see in the video below. The other plane had
the motor wired backwards, so that will hopefully be fixed for
next week's meeting.
Click for the first frog flight video

January 2006
Tom's latest frog, which he ripped apart at the meeting, was shown
video which Alex shot with his new digital video camera.
Tom was running his mouth so the video won't be posted.
There might be some pictures shown here later. |
Late October 2005
...and a high five back at you dude!
(Tom and Alex celebrate an awesome build)
Here are Tom and Alex with Tom's
FoamFly Frog. It flew for the
first time on November 9th at 7pm, in the old NPHS Pool. Since
this date, Tom has put together at least two more.
Click for tom's flight in Auditorium
Early October 2005
The club purchased equipment for electric aircraft. The
funding was provided by The Foundation and we are
eternally grateful for their support. The pictures show a few
members working on cutting out the Foam Frogs. We would like to
have three Frogs in flying condition at all times.
September 2005
Plans for this jet were
ordered in Late September. It is a scale model of a Learjet 24. It is the goal of the club to have one
flying by June 2006.
out the article here. |