June 4th 2008 We
held our last meeting of 2007-08 today. The weather held out for
flying, but it was so bright, it was difficult to see. Mr.V
forgot his good camera, so the picture quality isn't what it
normally would be. Trevor also took some pictures today.
We performed combat flying with streamers.
Steven's Bearcat, the two P-40's, and one of the biplanes
constantly chased and cut each other's streamers down. Drew
smashed up the platypus, by folding the wing in flight. The
propeller lodged itself in the wing of the plane as it plummeted
to earth.
Tyler brought in his Supercub again and worked
on landing techniques. After hitting a light pole, the wing
broke in half. With the wonderful discovery of hot glue, the
plane was in the air less than ten minutes after the crash. He
also practiced taking off from smooth surfaces. We came to the
conclusion that the hobby zone Supercub is a great starter
plane. |
May 28th 2008 If
we had weather like this everyday, we'd have to have more club
meetings. Less than twelve hours after the fun-fly the weather
is absolutely perfect.
Tyler was able to fly his Supercub, and had
multiple successful landings. Drew broke the platypus and then
fixed it.
Steven and Matt 'fought' the P-40's and had a
few near misses, with one prop strike to the rudder.
Trevor was upset about putting down his
biplane. The odd thing is his plane never flew correctly in the
first place.
Next week, June 4th, will be the last meeting
of the year. Please make sure to submit your email address to
Mr.Voicheck. |
May 27th 2008
Tonight we tried to host our fun-fly. The rain hit us around
7:45. We did get some flying in before the lightning stopped us.
The weather forecast for the meeting tomorrow looks much better.
Shown is the only picture taken at the fun-fly. Note the new
biplane next to Pat, with the Iron cross on the wings.
Next year we'll plan for better weather. |
May 21 2008
Our fun-fly was rained out, and we had to push it
to our rain date of May 27th. We're hoping for better weather
next week. Having an extra week to prepare for the fun-fly is
actually a nice breather, but some students will be unable to
make it that evening.
Pat and Drew remade their biplane because it
looked awful. They will finish installing the electronics next
week. Using the templates and the scroll saw provided a quick
and easy method for producing multiple planes accurately, and
Steven brought in his balsa sheeting Bearcat
and flew it for us. It is a really nice flying aircraft and
beautifully put together for a profile plane.
Jack put the finishing touches on the P-40,
and Matt cut out a P-40 to take to college next year. |
May 7 2008
I think someone forgot to order rain this year.
It was a absolutely beautiful day for flying. Besides the
gentle wind gusts, we were able to fly all afternoon. And, with
the addition of another polycharger, we can charge eight
batteries at once.
Matt and Weston performed and completed their
brushless upgrade surgery on the biplane. The first launch
showed the plane needed major adjustments. The second flight was
much more successful. It's CG is still off by a lot.
Matt and Matt posed for a picture of the
barely cracked nose on the P-40. A line of hot glue fixed it,
but only after they flew the battery dead.
Top right; Drew, Steven, and Pat discuss the
importance of using the frequency board. As our flight light
gets busier every week, flying safely becomes more and more
April 23 2008
What more could we want? It was an amazing day
for flying. Both biplanes, the frogs, and the p-40 flew
non-stop. Steven's dad showed up with two custom built foam
Drew spent a few minutes putting the finishing
touches on our frequency board. It will be up and running for
our next meeting in May.
April 16 2008
Today was another perfect day for flying. From
top left; The Buttercup completed a few flights before a rough
landing bent the prop shaft. Matt stands on the sticks while
Trevor launches the biplane. The field shown with a group of
students flying. Bottom left, Matt flies the platypus for a high
pass overhead.
Top right, Drew and Pat repaired their biplane
after a rough encounter with the ground. The motor slid back and
jammed itself against the motor mount. Next, Matt finished
the P-40 and was able to complete a successful test flight. A
quick last minute pre-flight was performed and the plane was
launched. There are a few pictures of the process.
We discussed plans for our fun-fly on May 20th,
and double checked to see who had not received their AMA license

April 9 2008
What a beautiful day we had for flying. The wind
was gently blowing, but it was amazingly wonderful outside. Matt
brought in is SuperCub and flew all three batteries.
Pat smacked the bipe into a light pole after hand
launching the buttercup with a reversed elevator servo and
cracking the nose of the plane.
March 19 2008
Today was another successful day. despite the
rain, we flew in the gym for a bit and headed to the auditorium.
Mr. Voicheck broke the newly upgraded, brushless biplane. It was
soon fixed and ready to go.
Steven brought in his Blade CP to get help
with tuning it for better flight.
Shawn tore apart the broken and mangled older
fuselage to rebuild the biplane and get it flying again. |

March 12 2008
The meeting was filled with flying, crashing,
simulating, and building. Matt worked on getting the SU-27 back
in order, but managed some gym flying of one of the bipes. We
had a fun time. |

February 28
The flight simulator was running and we had a blast flying
everything on the computer. Tyler spent some time on the sticks
with his Blade CX. The helicopter flies very well.
AMA membership information was collected and
will be mailed over the weekend. |

February 20
2008 The gym was open at the end of
the day and we were able to fly for just over half an hour. They
Loong max 500mAh 2 cells aren't holding up to our expectations.
We will need to come up with a plan to keep our battery supply
fresh. We have decided on a club logo and should have our shirts
finished by the end of March. |
February 13 2008
Today we took our club photo. Although we were
missing a few members, this is the majority of the club. Due to inclement weather, the gyms were open and
indoor flying continued
well past 3:30. |

2008 Both biplanes are done! We took
the first one out for a spin at the start of the meeting. It
still seems under powered so we switched props and will try
again next week. Too windy again to fly outside.
Now that the biplanes are complete, plans are
in the works to have the rookies work on adding another biplane
and two more buttercups to the fleet. |


2008 We test flew the first complete
biplane today in the gym. It seems a little under powered but
flew wonderfully inside. Biplane #2 should be ready in the next
week or so. We will also be working on refitting an R/C blimp we
found. |
January 9th
2008 Today we worked on getting the
biplanes ready to fly. Unfortunately we couldn't fly today
because it was way too windy outside and the gyms were in use. |
December 19th
2007 Today was a busy day for the
club. The biplanes were nearly completed and the excitement is
building, literally. Matt brought in his home build F-22 with
thrust-vectoring. Unfortunately, the wind was fierce and forced
the plane down violently. I believe the term is "controlled
landing into terrain."
This was the last meeting of the 2007 year.
We're hoping for a calm winter to allow for lots of flying.
Enjoy your time out of here. |
December 5th
2007 The biplanes are getting closer
to completion. Our members are working diligently to get them
completed by January. |
November 28th
2007 It was a nice day for flying.
The weather held out for a few flights. Our veterans, Matt and
Matt, spent the class flying the Buttercup and the Platypus. The
rookies spend the class building the foam biplanes. We're hoping
to have them completed before Christmas. |

November 14th
2007 The students cut out biplanes
using the scroll saw modified for use with 0.032" piano wire. At
1200 oscillations per minute, the wire generates enough heat to
cut the foam nicely. You can't cut yourself on the wire.
Matt flew the buttercup and worked on his
moving his C-17 design from AutoCAD to Inventor. Pat glued the
frog back together and was able to fly for part of the


October 24th 2007
Today's meeting was headed off by a demonstration by Jack's
microZ helicopter. Tyler brought in his Blade CX for tuning
after he crashed it a few months ago. Matt worked on the CAD
files for his C-17. Carl took the time as an opportunity for
fixing the Platypus nose. |
