May 5, 2010
Today I let the kids take the camera and
pretty much do whatever they wanted to do with photos. So,
there's quite a few pictures of random things. We had a lot
of fun, as usual.
April 28, 2010
After the fun-fly we decided to try some
new ideas with building and flying. Some worked, and some
failed. However, we learn from our mistakes.
April 7, 2010
In preparation for the
fun-fly we built and flew as much as we could. Students
brought in their own planes to try out in the gym. Some
remained behind safety nets, while other's risked life and
limb to rescue a downed plane. We're still not sure how Pat
landed the plane on the bottom of the net.
March 30, 2010
We had a 'no hastle' fun-fly
where we opened the gym to club members and friends. The gym
was filled at one point, with six planes in the air. This
was also practice for our students to gain confidence flying
in the gym with others.
March 24, 2010
We prepared for our sales at Hamburg by
sorting through equipment to find what we could sell. The
students spent time with the Triplane design, and
successfully flew it. It was quite a site to see the plane
slowly and silently fly through the air.
March 17, 2010
We were fortunate this winter
to access the gyms on a regular basis. The gym was a great
place to learn flying in the "perfect weather" environment.
Flying always draws a small crowd and is best with friends.
Mr.V's friend stopped by to show off his very precise
pattern airplane.
March 13, 2010
A few members traveled
with Mr.V to the annual Lebanon R/C Flea Market. It was a
fantastic time, despite the rainy trip out there. We left NP
at 8am, and returned at 1:45pm. Trevor bought a glider for
$6, and Pat bought a slope P-51 for $10. Mr.V came home with
a nearly complete R/C sailboat, with the radio, for $15, and
an assortment of carbon fiber to build foam planes. We
stopped at Wawa for lunch on the way out. No one in our
group won the door prizes.
March 3, 2010
Another club meeting went
by faster than you could imagine. Our spring fun-fly is
coming up and we're hoping for a good turn out. Members were
building planes, practicing on the simulator, and repairing
damaged aircraft.
February 24, 2010
Club members built and
crashed planes all day. Pat brought in a micro sized
homebuilt P-51. It was too quick to fly in the gym. Alex and
Nick repaired their biplanes. Mark brought in his Typhoon
and gave us a flight demo with his plane and new radio
outside. It was windy, but the plane held up really well!
February 17, 2020
Meetings are always busy
but today's was especially busy! We added a new DX5e and a
new Vapor to our fleet today. It was exciting! The Vapor
required some re-gluing, as the covering material came
loose. Luckily, Trevor recovered his at home and knew
exactly what to do.
February 2, 2010
Trevor and Mark had a fun
time tossing around a micro glider Mr.Voicheck built using
Vapor guts. The plane is made from 3mm Depron. It needs a
motor, and a shaped wing to sustain flight.
Nick finished his biplane
and finally saw it fly for the first time. He was very
January 27, 2010
Lou demonstrated how to
properly use an airbrush for painting model airplanes. He's
using a $15 Harbor Freight airbrush! The regulator seen in the
first picture (bottom middle) is used to finely tune the air pressure. He
also brought in a couple
planes that he painted. Thank you so much for your time Lou!
Lou's demonstration lasted an hour and a half, from 2:45
until 4:15. I had to shoe the kids out of the meeting to
make it to class on time.
-Lou has been flying for a little over two years and has
some awesome artistic skills when it comes to painting
planes. He makes airbrushing look natural.
January 13 2010
Pat spent the entire club
meeting working on landing light installation on the
carrier bed. He cut a groove in the foam and sunk the
lights into it.
Greg brought his new
read-to-fly plane to the meeting. Inexpensive models like
this are a great way to get someone hooked on this hobby. |
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December 12 2009
Fun-Fly was awesome! I hope you made it. We packed the gyms with
over 70 pilots from around Lancaster to northern Jersey. It was
amazing. Click on the image (you will need Flash) to check out
our slideshow. Don't forget to check out the Youtube videos!
Video 1
Video 2 |
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December 2, 2009
We decorated the
display case with hundreds of airplane photos while Brian worked
his fastest to complete the katana. We're only 10 days from the
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November 18 2009
We're three weeks away from the fun-fly and
preparations are moving along nicely.
Pat built his own bomber plane which dropped
mini foam, cartoon-shaped bombs. It was awesome! Pat's sister
Eric helped out. Unfortunately, the bomber cracked in half, but
was seen flying later in the day. He said he'll be redesigning a
plane which will be meant for dropping 'stuff.' It drew quite an
audience at our last meeting.
Mark flew the Katana and continued to repair
his plane as needed.
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November 11
After announcing our Fun-Fly
a month ago, we needed to start preparing for some indoor
flying. Students were frantically building planes to prepare
for our event. The event will be similar to our March 2009
event. Hopefully it will grow to a larger fun-fly. We've
been promoting it as hard as we can.
Trevor is working on a video to promote the
fun-fly. You may see him at the next meeting, or asking
people questions while he films them.
Brian was able to get stick time on the
Vapor. He was very happy to have the whole gym to himself
for flying. Matt also took a few minutes on the Vapor. It is
such a neat plane to fly. I wish I had one of my own!
Four weeks until our fun-fly!
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November 4
Students spent another warm
afternoon outside flying planes. Pat rigged a drop mechanism
on another biplane, which carried a small toy parachute. He
held many of the students attention as he launched the
parachute from the plane over and over again.
Tyler tried to repair the
Parkzone Citabria. This was after Ryan spent an hour
replacing the defective brick. Our elevator servo never
worked on the original plane. Since it costs $10 to ship it
to Horizon, we decided not to send it back. This is the
second time we've had a defective ParkZone plane.
Unfortunately the replacement parts were also defective. we
will no longer purchase the Micro RTF planes for the club.
They break too easily.
Our Vapor is still in great
shape despite the flimsy landing gear. Students who are just
learning to fly are provided with time to fly the Vapor, as
it's the easiest plane to fly that the club owns.
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October 28
With the new year started and
so many new members I sometimes forget to take pictures.
There are so many things to do at club meetings as the
October 21
Students learned how to cut
out the bluecor planes using our wire-saw. The students were
amazed at how safe the device is.
September 30
One of our first club
meetings required an in-depth look at our current inventory
of model aircraft. Alex ripped his old biplane apart to make
a single wing plane.
Pat revamped an old Frog that
was laying around. The plane flew great until he smashed it
to pieces. It's now in a landfill somewhere.
I rigged up a release
mechanism for dropping these inexpensive "nerf-like" darts
from the plane. It works very well. The plane flew much
better with the 8x6 and the dart. It could barely climb with
the 8x4.3 prop.
Archived Photos _
(opens in a new window)
2009-10 \
2008-09 \
2003-05 |