6 June 2012
Today's meeting was supposed
to be the last meeting of the year, but we had so much fun
that students wanted to meet again. Students flew combat
against each other the entire meeting. At one point there
were five planes in the air. Besides being a ton of fun, it
simply sounded fun. Five screaming electric motors sound
awesome. Photos from the day prove how much fun was had.
Biplanes turned into monoplanes. Some planes had direct hits
and needed repair. Other planes bounced and kept flying. The
carnage was all returned, thanks to our expert custodian,
Rick. One student lost radio control and the plane wandered
over to the roof.
23 May 2012
With the year winding down,
students frantically tried to finish their last planes.
Weather was friendly for flying, but there weren't too many
competent pilots. However, the airbrush made an appearance
and students decorated planes. The batman logo was a laser
cut project that Brian drew in AutoCAD. He had never used
the program before. The logo looked fantastic on the 6mm
depron. Nick spent time learning how to fly and repairing.
16 May 2012
Today's meeting was so much
fun. We built and crashed many airplanes! Garret worked on
the quadrotor kit. The instructions were marginal at best,
but the device looks like a ton of fun to fly. We hope to
having it running by the end of this year. Meanwhile, Brian
started a depron knightfighter. He hopes to have it finished
for the last meeting. Angela continued working on her plane
after a few trial flights. The plane worked pretty well, but
the motor came loose. Ryan helped in the repairs.
11 May 2012
With only a few meetings
left, the race to finish building and flying was on. Anthony
worked on his T28. Although it was a bit windy, he was able
to repair it. Moonim worked on the F-15 project. He found
some plans for a larger depron F-15 and started prepping
them for this or next year. Students also flew planes
outside today with the wonderful spring weather.
Unfortunately, some of them met the Earth with great speed
and force. A few of them crashed into each other and needed
further repairs. The photos speak for themselves.
2 May 2012
The meeting focused on Ryan's
knightfighter. His paint job and attention to detail really
paid off for him. The 6mm depron really makes for a sharp
looking plane after seeing them made from the crummy Lowes
bluecor. The newer bluecor is a terrible product for
building airplanes. It's so much weaker.
18 April 2012
Another day of fun was
had by all. Ryan continued working on his depron Knight
Fighter. The plane is coming along nicely with the
airbrushed parts. Ryan's enthusiasm sparked Patrick's
motivation to start one for himself. The weather held
out for a little flying, but the rain kicked in quickly.
April showers were not friendly to us for flying today.
However, there's always room for time on the simulators
and for repairs. With so many website selling stuff,
sometimes we sit around and dream of the next club
11 April 2012
With April weather brings
the hope of a warm spring. Unfortunately, the weather
doesn't cooperate as much in the springtime. Another day of
rain brought us indoors to build and play. Students took to
their projects and teamed together to tie up some loose
ends. Ryan airbrushed his Knight Fighter logo to the depron
version he's working on. He laser cut the template and then
used the club's equipment to nicely place the logo on his
plane. It's really classy looking! Other club members used
their time to finish projects and help one another.
4 April 2012
The warm weather brought
us outside! Today was a gorgeous spring day with so many
planes that are ready, or nearly ready to go. The club spent
a lot of time this winter simply waiting for days like
today. Moonim worked on his Knight Fighter again. The
projects continued. Ryan set up the airbrush for his depron
version of the Knight Fighter. The plane looks great when
made from white foam. Nick spent time tweaking his motor
attachment and control horns from the servos. Despite the
five planes shown in the group shot, only two of them were
truly flight ready.
28 March 2012
When spring comes around,
so do the airplanes. We've had an interesting spring with
weird weather. Today's weather was windy, but it was still
flying weather when there were planes to fly. Jackie spent
time fixing up her Knight Fighter. She received some
misguidance from another member. Mr.V intervened, but set
the project completion back a day or so. Ryan gutted the
blingbling. He finally killed it after adding a lot of glue,
revamping the nose, changing the motor, and trying different
propellers. All good things come to an end at some point.
21 March 2012
Chris joined us today. He
needed help with his year-long research project from his
engineering class. The plane was in dire shape, and Chris
needed a bit of help getting it to fly. We assisted him and
fixed up the plane. Unfortunately, the first flight was not
successful. Other students worked on soldering and building.
Jimmy added some landing gear to his biplane, but it flies a
little heavier now. Sunit also worked on a biplane, but his
project involved his much improved flying skills. The plane
came back in one piece! It's always great to see students
helping each other out. When the club started in 2003, Mr.V
was the only one who could build well enough, and the only
one who could fly. Now, students teach each other and fly
successfully without Mr.V's supervision.
7 March 2012
Ryan repaired the
blingbling and replaced the motor. Although it's getting
heavy, the plane still flies well. It won't be long before
we scrap it for parts though. Mohammed practiced his
soldering skills by hooking up an ESC to a motor for Jimmy's
plane. Sunit also helped out, but needed some expert
assistance on the tiny wires. Jimmy was thrilled to have
help in finishing his project. The plane flew today for the
first time. It is a great little plane that flies slow
enough in the gym. We are all very pleased with the outcome.
29 February 2012
Jimmy's biplane is nearly
finished. He spent time attaching the control surfaces and
control horns. He should finish it at the next meeting.
Patrick spent more time on his raffle prize plane from Park
Scale Models. A bit of club time was consumed simply looking
for the CA glue. Morgan brought in his helicopter and was
enjoying his time to tweak the helicopter's performance.
22 February 2012
At the
fun-fly, Patrick won the raffle for one of the Park Scale
Models products. He started building the plane at this
meeting. Due to the amazing laser cut parts he was able to
construct most of the fuselage in a very short period of
time. The plane calls for a 10gram motor, and two servos.
Meanwhile, he assisted Jackie in her quest to finish her
Knight Fighter. She started the plane in the fall with
another student, painted it, and nearly completed it.
However, she received some poor direction on how to finish
it, and had to disassemble certain parts. All the while,
Garret lent a hand with Jimmy’s smaller biplane project. It
should be finished in a meeting or so.
15 February 2012
continued for the club members. Brian and Mo worked on their
rubber-band powered plane for the Technology Student
Association contest. The propeller need a drop of glue for
repair. Ryan continued to help Angel with her flying wing.
Her attention to detail is paying off, but she—just like the
rest of the newer students—does not know how to build the
entire plane yet. On the other end of the spectrum, Garret
whipped up another Knight Fighter in just one club meeting.
The planes go together quite easily.
8 February 2012
Brian and Mohammed worked
on their rubber powered plane for the Technology Student
Association during the club meeting. The guys learned how to
build rubber powered planes from Joe Krush--a legend in
rubber powered flight. The plane flew gracefully for over 60
seconds. Between flights, Garret tossed the Alula around the
2 February 2012
Nick and Howard repaired
the Alula today. One of the servos stopped working. It was
quite a repair job, but we had all the necessary materials.
It's a good thing we bought a case of blenderm for building.
This plane uses quite a bit of it. The weather wasn't good for flying, so
students spent time working on repairs. Garret brought in an
older plane that his grandfather built. It needs some minor
repair work done on the wing. It could use a motor and
battery upgrade too.
25 January 2012
The mild winter is great
for flying. We had tons of people out flying in the calm
weather. Howard and Patrick flew their planes for the first
time today. Although one of them came back with a
mostly-destroyed aircraft, it was up and running again in no
time. Thanks foam+hotglue!
January 14th : Winter
Fun-Fly : 2012
The 2012 winter fun-fly
was amazing! We had over 70 pilots, and more spectators that
we could even count. The day was filled with events that
brought in more kids than we could imagine. Of course, there
were the regulars from our local clubs. But, we also had
some amazing demo pilots and weird flying aircraft. Some
left with plane remnants. Others left with full planes. We
tried to accommodate flying for all in our gym. Overall, the
day brought in a lot of money for our club to keep us funded
for another year. Thank you to all who supported us in any
way you did!
11 January 2012
With only two days left
before the fun-fly, surprisingly enough, preparations are
going along smoothly. Students dug up the aircraft carrier,
and aerial obstacles from storage. Other students prepared
planes for the event. Test flights and plane building
continued until well after the club meeting should have
ended. As always, it was a ton of fun.
4 January 2012
Preparations continued for
the fun-fly with students bringing in the new toys they
recently acquired from Santa. Garret brought in his micro 3D
heli and tweaked it's performance. Morgan showed off his
AirHogs helicopter. It has a grappling hook that retracts!
Anthony had his micro heli flying around--a new toy that
attracted some attention. Mark spent a lot of his time
working on his MicroBling. The plane is coming along a bit
too well. This will be the lightest built, 3D capable plane
anyone in the club has ever built.
15 December 2011
A warm winter allows for
lots of flying. Well, it allows for lots of building and
attempts at flying. Today was a busy day with a flurry of
fun, but no flurries of snow. Many students continued
working on their Knight Fighters or similar projects.
Mr.Voicheck took his first trip to the roof to recover a
newly built plane. It was not something he wants to do
7 December 2011
Howard and Nick spent some
time trying to figure out how to connect the servos and
speed control to the receiver. With the computer radios and
mixing functions, it's a bit confusing to get it right.
Thankfully Mr.V stepped in and assisted their needs.
Meanwhile, Mark worked on his ultra-light, micro blingbling.
He hopes to have it operating for the funfly. It will be
laser cut depron, covered with plastic wrap.
30 November 2011
Students were elated over
their joys to find a working flight simulator in the
classroom. Because the Thanksgiving break occurred, some
students were not at the meeting on November 22nd.
James and Moonim worked their hardest to build and fly their
Knight Fighter. It worked quite well and only needed a few
minor adjustments. Unfortunately, they let another student
fly it, and that student crashed it pretty badly.
22 November 2011
Although it wasn't a
Wednesday, the club still met to squeeze one more meeting in
before the Thanksgiving holiday. Although a handful of
people showed up, we found a free flight simulator that
works really well! Since the upgrade to Windows 7, the old
software stopped working. However, we're all back in
business and students are practicing their flying skills
without spending time repairing their planes. Mark also took
the time to hover the blingbling around the classroom. He's
learning how to torque roll very well. However, his 20in
micro blingbling is much more agile than this 32in version.
16 November 2011
Mr.Voicheck forgot to use his
camera today. Things were crazy and very busy! Students
continued building and flying planes and helicopters.
9 November 2011
Today's goals included
soldering the electronic speed controls (ESCs) to the
motors. That required teaching soldering and basic safety
skills. Students learned the proper way to solder, using
flux and the right type of soldering equipment. The right
tools make soldering easy. The wrong ones make it a
nightmare. It was a successful day building too. Mo and
Jackie continued work on their KnightFighter. Sunit repaired
yet another plane. He refers to himself as the surgeon, but
he's the one who crashes them.
2 November 2011
A ton of building a took
place as our new students learned how to use the equipment.
Students were gluing, cutting, and wiring their electrical
systems to work correctly with the radios. The Knight
Fighters are coming along nicely. Mark brought in his newly
modified BlingBling. With its new power system. It is
lighter and can easily accelerate from a hover. The plane
weighs in around 55 grams. Mr.Voicheck and Garret took to
the skies and battled planes. The JetCat lost a good portion
of the wing. Surprisingly enough, Garret's new plane
suffered no damage.
26 October 2011
Today's meeting consisted of
aerial footage from Ryan's Easy Star. The plane can easily
carry a large payload. We should post some video of it soon.
The students were eager to see the video. Despite the windy
conditions, video footage was really good. We even captured
a few near hits and one midair collision. Ryan's plane
survived. Meanwhile, Mark continued to modify his BlingBling.
He amazed the students by hovering it in such a small space.
The new equipment should be here soon for his modifications.
19 October 2011
With new members joining our club, there was a
flurry of foam and excitement. Prospective club members were
excited to learn about what we do and how to build planes.
With our techniques improving on a weekly basis, students were
instructed to airbrush their planes before assembling. They had
fun learning how to airbrush and cut parts using our templates
and modified scroll saw. Veteran club members Mark and Garret
helped out as needed. Mark worked on his AutoCAD project, which
is a minature blingbling. Garret flew the Coco lama multi-rotor
heli, and fixed up the JetCaT. It screams in top speed!
13 October 2011
For the first time in club
history, a video camera was strapped to a model airplane.
The plane flew in some nasty clouds on a damp and misty day,
but the video was so much fun to watch. Although it was
shaky and blurry for most of the flight, the video proved
the point that onboard video is possible. Garret piloted the
craft through the entire event. When students finished with
the video, they spent time inside flying the rc miniature
helicopters. They are very simple to learn on, and students
aren't breaking them as quickly as they do with the
5 October 2011
At our first member
meeting students were exposed to some amazing flying! A
large crowd of prospective members witnessed aerial
battles and heard a ton of information about the club's
history and future. The wind was heavy and it made
flying difficult, but no major carnage occurred.
28 September 2011
The new supplies showed
up, so a quick inventory occurred to make sure we
received everything. We spent over $250 on motors,
batteries, speed controls and similar items. This should
last us most of the year and into the start of next
year. Mark found a very large caterpillar and thought it
would make a great pilot. Flying continued as we
prepared planes for the new member meeting. Patrick
worked on soldering his ESC to the motor, and Anthony
learned how to bind the Spektrum radios.
21 September 2011
For the third meeting of
this year, we were surprised to find so many prospective
members show up. The weather was perfect for
flying. Garrett worked on the AlleyCat while Sunit
prepared the pretty mini biplane. Brian wants to build
something new, and is interested in the depron fattie
planes. The autogyro flew really well because the wind
was so low.
14 September 2011
We had our second meeting
for 2011 today. Today was also the activities fair
during lunch, and a few students manned the table,
advertising our club to the school. We will host our
first open membership meeting on October 5th. With the
weather still really nice outside, students were anxious
to build and fly. Garrett sloped the Alula along the
building for nearly an hour. Flight times were in excess
of three minutes. That's really good for our area.
7 September 2011
After a
summer break and time away from our foam flying friends,
we joined forces again to feed our fascination of flying
machines. Mark brought in his modified blingbling. He
removed a lot of foam and covered the plane with clear
plastic wrap. It works amazingly well in such a small
Archived Photos
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