14 June 2011
Today was our last club
meeting for the school year. It was awesome! The weather was
perfect for flying. Nice winds were coming directly up the
slope, and the sun was hot making thermals for us. At one
point we had four planes in the air. Combat flying with the
Knight Fighter continued with only one minor hit. Mark flew
his blingbling inside the classroom with extreme precision.
He also brought out his 3D plane which Mr.Voicheck nicknamed
'aileron' because of the huge ailerons. Garret flew the
Alula and rode air currents and thermals for over two
minutes. Ryan spent time fixing and flying his Knight
Fighter. It might be time for him to remake the plane.
Mr.Voicheck also brought in a couple planes and flew with
the club. Mark and Garret both had an opportunity to fly his
micro swift.
For now, unless we meet over
the summer, we'll see you next year! Thanks for making this
one so much fun!
8 June 2011
As the year draws to a close
ending, we finally realize how many projects the club
completed in nine short months. Today, Mark demonstrated his
blingbling in the auditorium because we couldn't find an
open gym. It flew extremely well. The weather was pretty
warm for flying but we went outside anyway. Garret put the
Alula on the roof and had to pester a custodian to retrieve
it for us. A storm was coming in and the clouds were
darkening as we waited. Fortunately, he found it and we flew
it down.
1 June 2011
Mark continued on his
blingbling design. Ryan set up and flew some flying wings
after remaking the jig to form the wingtips. Garret flew the
Alula and his own flying wing. The past few meetings were
cut short because Mr.Voicheck had to run to class. We're
talking about meeting up over the summer to fly a few times.
18 May 2011
Today's meeting was quickly
interrupted by Ryan's attempt to fly his Knight Fighter in
the courtyard. He managed to launch it directly into a tall
tree. With some help he retrieved his plane safely. Garret
continued to work on the Airbender and tweak the setup. It
was slightly cooler and cloudy out today, but still great
weather for flying.
11 May 2011
Now that our spring is fully
swinging, our aircraft fleet is getting more and more
use. We had multiple flying wings going on a glorious spring
day. Mark's blingbling assembly continued nicely. Sunit and
Conner practiced on the simulators while Garret's Airbender
flew nicely in the gym. If we only had more time to build
and fly. The robotic device shown is Alex's creation made
from the Vex robotics. Alex is heading to PSU next year to
study engineering.
4 May 2011
The meeting was a buzz with
excitement for Mark's micro plane. He took the plane home
over the weekend and successfully completed it. Mark gave us
a flight demo of the power to weight ratio it demonstrates.
Garret continued working on his Airbender. The plane is
nearly finished. Ryan practiced his helicopter skills by
hovering the micro heli. By the end of the meeting, Mark
decided a new design was necessary for better flight
characteristics. Mr.Voicheck helped him scale the blingbling
to a comparable size.
28 April 2011
Students worked and built and
flew and had a lot of fun. Sunit successfully flew the
biplane again today. His flying skills appear to increase on
a weekly basis. Mark finished his micro extra with great
success while Garret worked on the Airbender. The Airbender
is a laser cut depron plane which is designed for the micro
equipment used in the T-28. It is covered in Mylar or
something similar. Ryan finished and test flew his Knight
Fighter. He is excited to combat the plane against his
20 April 2011
Parkflyer Pete flew with
landing gear for the first time. The plane is a lot slower
than expected and could prove to be a great step up to a
four channel trainer. It had some odd coupling issues when
turning. Garret flew the Alula until the battery died. Ryan
spent time working on his Knight Fighter, tweaking the set
up nicely. Garret tried streamers on the Knight Fighter, but
it created too much drag.
13 April 2011
The club meeting proceeded
with glory as usual. Weather didn't permit flying so we
feverishly built planes. Alex added a nice touch to
Parkflyer Pete while Ryan built a Knight Fighter. Mark
worked on his micro extra 300 with hopes of finishing it by
next week.
30 March 2011
Parkflyer Pete flew for the
first time today. Although the plane lacked landing gear, it
flew successfully. The wind was strong enough to knock it
around while Mr.Voicheck put the maiden voyage on the plane.
The flight was successful, excluding the ending. Garret flew
the Alula and the micro helicopter while waiting for the
winds to die down. The Alula performs much better with a
slight breeze. Ocassionally, one wing tip would rise or fall
due to thermal activity. It was really neat Garret fly the
plane around.
23 March 2011
Alex finished installing the
radio gear and a few finishing touches on the Parkflyer Pete
today. Garret prepared parts for his Swifter, and started
hot-wire cutting the pink foam. The process went quite
smoothly. Ryan flew his Vapor around the room with the
utmost precision.
16 March 2011
Alex readied the aileron
linkages for the Parkflyer Pete; it should be finished soon!
Mr.Voicheck finished the modified KnightFighter flying wing,
and let Garret test fly it. It worked so well that Garret
flew it until the motor appeared to not work any longer.
Sunit successfully flew his biplane without any assistance.
If he was confined to the gym, flying would have been much
more difficult.
9 March 2011
A lot of building continued
today. Students prepared for the spring by heading outside
and flying in hallways, gyms, and just about anywhere they
could find an open space. Sunit finished his biplane and
adorned it with some interesting insignias. Alex continued
to working on the Parkflyer Pete, while Garret tuned up his
2 March 2011
As predicted, the quantity of
members decreased again, but that didn't hamper the building
and excitement. Today was a really busy day with the kids.
Garret finished and test flew his Swifter. The winds were
gusting to 30MPH, making any type of troubleshooting nearly
impossible. He was out near the bleachers with it and
attempted to slope soar the stadium. Mr.V also tried to
slope the stadium bleachers, but it was just too windy. Mr.V
landed the Alula on top of one garage, but the winds blew it
off moments later. Mark test flew his Air Hogs plane with
the modified motor. It barely flew. He then swapped both
motors for a single brushed motor. It was too windy to tell
if it flew well. Ryan worked diligently to finish his
biplane, despite his lady-friend's attempts to distract him.
He flew it in the gym with great success, until he found a
wall to smash it in to. We had a ton of fun today.
23 February 2011
We had another somewhat
decent day for flying. Anything above 35 degrees is
manageable this time of year. We're itching to get
outside and fly. Students worked their hardest to get
their projects finished. Garret and Mark finished their
Air Hogs conversion. Surprisingly enough, it worked! The
fuselage required many modifications and the plane
does not turn well, but it works. Garret worked on
the Swifter he wants to slope soar against the building. This will be the club's
first home built glider. Seth continued to work on his
single wing plane, but this time he received plans for
the correctly size wing. He's up to his ears in foam. He
plans on testing the plane at the next meeting.
16 February 2011
It was a nice enough day
to fly outside. Winds were very gusty, so the Alula was
a perfect choice for flying. Mr.V landed it on the roof
and had to beg the head custodian to retrieve it. With
no scratches or dents, the plane was flying again in
fifteen minutes with a nice rooftop launch. Garret also
flew the Alula, and passed it to Ryan who pegged the
building because of control issues. We need to swap out
radios and put the Alula on the DX7. Mark flew his
modified Katana and enjoyed the sun by flying rolling
circles for a few minutes. Mark and Garret attempted to
revitalize an old AirHogs plane and hope to have it
finished for next week. Seth finished and test flew his
single wing foamie. It needs more modification to fly
well, despite his great efforts.
9 February 2011
Winter weather has us
inside almost full time. The winds and temperature are
tough to fight while still learning to fly. It's much
nicer in the gyms (when you can get one). Students
continued to build planes and practice on the
simulators. A few members braved the elements to test
some new designs. Upcoming events include the Lebanon
flea market, and a possible spring funfly. We don't have
a date set.
12 January 2011
Although Mr.V forgot his
camera, things continued at the club meeting. Building
and flying went well into 4:30. We usually finish
meetings at 4pm. We ran the airbrush and enjoyed trying
to pain the planes. Alex's Parkflyer Pete came
out nice!
5 January 2011
Back for a new year,
students excitedly built planes. Seth continued working
on the single wing version of his plane. It seems heavy
for the wing area. Alex started cutting out the
Parkflyer Pete which Mr.Voicheck picked out. If the
plane works well, we can adopt this as a next step for
flying. We need a four channel plane, and a single wing
22 December 2010
Before we left for the
new year, students continued building and flying. Alumni
showed up, pleased to see our club progressing nicely.
The gymnasium was open for flying before a game, so we
took advantage of that. It was a nice relaxing meeting
with plenty of hot glue. We'll see you back in January!
15 December 2010
After the funfly,
students were excited to get back to building and
flying. They came out with ideas and an awesome
experience. Students rebuilt their planes and
reorganized the mess. New ideas started flowing as
students kept talking about the awesome time they had at
the funfly.
8 December 2010
With only a few days from
our funfly students were working diligently to get
ready. There was a flurry of foam, soldering, fixing,
and everything in between. We revisited the process for
using our chargers. We can simultaneously charge 8 lipos
while balance charging 3 more. With a growing
membership, we'll continue to purchase more current
23 November 2010
Although it wasn't our
regularly scheduled meeting, we met on the day before
Thanksgiving break to build and fly. It was a nice
relaxing day to build and fly planes together. The
funfly is only a few meetings away and we still have so
much to do.
3 November 2010
We continued building
planes and practicing on the simulator. Our friends at
Dream-Flight generously donated and mailed us two Alulas!
We are extremely fortunate to receive them. One student
brought in his personal plane for repair, while other's
helped out. We also discovered our bluecor foam supply is
finally depleted.
20 October 2010
It was a nice day for
flying so we took our new members outside. They flew our
planes really well! Some students needed little or no
instructions. I think the video game generation is
naturally good at this! Clean up time always shows up
quickly, and today was no exception.
October 2010
With our first open
membership meeting, we drew in quite a crowd. The
students were fortunate enough to obtain simulator time
and join in the fellowship of model airplane
enthusiasts. With so many students interested this year,
we're optimistic about a great year of model aviation.
September 2010
The usual gang (before our new member
meeting) frantically worked on rebuilding their planes. We
had so many seniors last year, the club seems a little
sparse. We look forward to our new member meeting next
week! New ideas, new planes, new members...
September 2010With a fresh start
and a new year, we're off and building lots of planes.
The students located their planes from last year and
tried to get them flying. Last year our club comprised
of over a dozen seniors. Fortunately for them, they all
graduated. It will take a lot of promoting to build the
club back up. However, we'll take quality over quantity.
Archived Photos
2009-10 \
2008-09 \
2003-05 |