Penn Model Aviation Club
"the MAC" since Fall 2003
Pictures & Video
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11 June 2013
It wasn't a spectacular day
for flying. Wind gusts were 15+ MPH and the sky was
overcast. We still had a ton of fun, considering that this
was our last meeting. Planes and batteries were lost and
recovered. Jake and Dr.V spent 20 minutes locating a
battery. It's better that we found it than the mower blades
finding it.
This year was beyond
successful! Thanks to all who made it so much fun!
4 June 2013
At the last meeting
Dr.Voicheck forgot his camera. Go figure. So, we decided to
have one more after this one! The meeting went very well.
Students crashed more planes today than in past weeks.
29 May 2013
A few students were really
excited about the quadrotor program at Montco based on last
week's meeting. JJ came back and talked to the
students about getting started during this summer. After his
talk, students got back to the second to last meeting.
Garret flew his fixed-up balsa plane in the warm spring air.
He was thermalling it across the baseball field for quite
some time. Other students rebuilt their planes for combat
22 May 2013
15 May 2013
What a BEAutiful day for
flying! The weather was nice and warm, and the fields were
dry. Everyone was out flying and crashing planes all
meeting. Patrick had a nice time with the autogyro after
working on his lil squire. Garret flew the daylights out of
the DynamicS. That plane is amazing to see in his piloting
skills. Ryan flew the EasyStar again, and let a few members
have some stick time on it as well. The plane is a very nice
glider. Joe and the other students also combat flew their
planes until they cracked them or crashed them. These
knightfighters really held up well despite the haphazard
8 May 2013
We had a new biplane at this
meeting thanks to a friend Dave Segal. He donated planes and
equipment to us before, but it doesn't mean we take that for
granted. Thanks Dave! The weather was fantastic for flying,
as it usually is in May. Students came out in full strength
and hit the skies with excitement. Planes were flown like
mad and planes were crashed and photographed. All in all,
today was a picture perfect meeting.
1 May 2013
Now that the weather is
warming up, students are showing back up to "fly" planes.
Flying is the operative word, but flying isn't something
they always do. We were busy capturing video of the planes
using the NPTV quad.
26 April 2013
We had a first-ever flyover
for the baseball team after the National Anthem. Check out
the video too. We had the quad on hand to film the event.
Thanks to all who came out and supported the event!
25 April 2013
We attended another
elementary school science night. This night, students were
wowed by a flight demonstration using vapors and the quad.
They really enjoyed it. Here's the video.
24 April 2013
Students continued building
as the weather warmed up. We're starting to see a light for
the springtime. Patrick brought in his new plane and was
very excited to show off it's gentle flying style. Other
students continued working on airplanes and collaborated to
see Patrick's plane shoot video.
17 April 2013
Today's meeting was very
busy. Students worked on filming video from airplanes to
crashing quadrotors into the wall. Connor brought in his new
twin engine airplane. It was quite a beautiful plane to see
flying through the air. Joe decided to label left and right.
This was one of his keys to success in flying. I believe he
has a patent out on the paint job. The dynamic-s went
through the sky like a hot knife through butter. Ryan put on
a nice show with it.
10 April 2013
Although there are only two
pictures, a lot of fun things still went on at this meeting.
Joe decided to start flying and stop crashing. We thought it
was a better approach to flying than his previous pattern of
"crash everything." Garret worked on his fan car and then
drove it all over the school while the rest of the airplane
folks actually built model airplanes.
3 April 2013
Our first April meeting was
met with unfriendly flying weather. Luckily, we had the gym
and spent time practicing on the flight simulator. Jake
spent time working our tv studio's quad. Our hope is to
deliver a finished product by mid April. Ryan and Joe took
the club's quads and flew them in the gym. Ryan was
thoroughly impressed with the power from our club quad. Joe
had fun with our micro quad but felt intimidated by the
shear sound of the club's quad.
20 March 2013
Warm weather is
right around the corner, and students are starting to get
excited about flying outdoors again. The meeting was filled
with a flurry of activities. Ryan and Jake spent time
working with the tv studio's quad. Each bolt needs Loctite.
There are so many! Joe is still finishing up his
Knightfighter and will likely have it flying for the next
meeting in April. Patrick and Ryan spent time working on
some personal flying projects as well. Dr.V used this
meeting to solder motors for the tv studio. There were so
many connections and they all needed to be perfect.
13 March 2013
At this week's meeting our
club saw the quadrotor fly for the first time. They were
thoroughly impressed, and inspired to build and fly. Sam
finished his plane and said he can't wait for nice weather
to fly it. His pushrods were acting up so they were all
replaced. Patrick gave the plane a final once-over before
they took it out to fly. Joe spent time soldering. He's
really good at it! Damian and the sim-boys spent time
practicing their skills. The RealFlight software has some
entertaining features, like rc dogfights and a model
6 March 2013
With so little time on our
hands it's a wonder anything gets done. Last week's meeting
was a huge inspiration for us. Students were ecstatic to
come in and fly their planes. We finally found open airspace
in the empty Auditorium and let the planes rip. The ducted
fans on these planes are very different than what our
propeller planes usually sound like. Besides the awesome
jets, students worked on finishing projects and practicing
their flying skills. Garret and Ryan stayed really late to
help Dr.V with the club's quad. Although the settings were
very touchy and Dr.V almost chopped his face up, the quad
flew for the first time. It's very intimidating. We look
forward to getting the settings dialed down and much calmer.
27 February 2013
Mike and Dave, two friends of
the club who are also Keystone Radio Control (KRC) members,
joined us to build planes. Dave and Mike donated the
equipment and time to teach us how to build their micro
jets. This is one of the most generous donations our club
received, and it was truly a momentous club meeting. Thanks
to them we built four working jets by the end of a regular
club meeting! There were many photo opportunities and I
couldn't pass on any of them. We owe these guys a huge debt
of gratitude and we are forever grateful for their
generosity. The students had so much fun learning new
techniques and working together on these micro jets.
20 February 2013
Club students are very
excited for next week's meeting where we'll be building
micro jets. In the meantime students worked on making messes
and leaving them for me to clean up. Jake touched up his
KnightFighter with a very visible strip while Ryan took the
time to decorate Patrick's newest plane. Garret worked on
the Rascal near Nick, who worked on trimming his
KnightFighter's wing. As usual, a fun time was had by all.
13 February 2013
A quick break in the weather
brought some members outside. We always enjoy flying outside
with warmer weather. I look forward to the spring for warmer
days like today. However, we have a few months to go.
Students spent time messing with the flight simulator,
soldering speed controls, and repairing sketchy servos. A
few planes needed serious work after flying, but no one got
emotional over it.
6 February 2013
30 January 2013
The funfly was a huge
success! We raised enough funds to keep us going another
year. At this meeting we discussed how the club was
successful at the event, and how we can make it better next
year. Students repaired and reorganized the room to make
room for more toys. We made quite a few connections at this
last event. A few people donated items for our club,
including Mike C who wanted us to fly his micro jets.
Students had a great time working with the equipment and
learning from each other.
16 January 2013
Final preparations for the
funfly were going on despite Dr.Voicheck's incessant need to
run the CNC router. Students were busy building and flying.
Nick spent two full meetings troubleshooting his servo
connections on his KnightFighter. It turns out that a bad
servo caused all the problems.
9 January 2013
2 January 2013
19 December 2012
This was our last meeting
before Christmas break and students were very excited to
work on their planes. Jake now pilots his flying wing with a
ballet figure from Dr.V's niece. Sam continued working on
his flying wing, with hopes of finishing it before the
funfly. Mark, an NPMAC alumnus, stopped in while on break
from Drexel. He lent a helping hand to Alex on his jammed
motor. Other students continued working on their planes too.
Connor, Kyle, and Connor worked on their flying wing
rebuild. The plane was pretty trashed after a few unplanned
12 December 2012
With two meetings before the
break, students were very anxious to get working on their
planes. Patrick worked hard to repair his Vapor. It's
tedious work. Sam and two other students prepared their
Knight Fighters for combat. Sam's will take a lot longer
because he's working solo on this one. Patrick also bugged
Dr.Voicheck enough to finish the half-sized biplane plans
that includes a full fuselage. The plans still need work but
it's a step in the right direction
5 December 2012
Our technology department was
finally able to install the flight simulator. Students were
very excited to fly any and all types of aircraft in the
software. Students waited semi-patiently to have a turn at
flying and crashing some very fancy and expensive aircraft.
As for actual building, usual activity continued. Patrick
worked on his micro squire. Many students flew their Knight
Fighters on this cold day too.
28 November 2012
After stuffing themselves
with turkey over Thanksgiving break, students returned to
the club with renewed excitement and enthusiasm. Connor
worked with students to complete their plane. Cooper
continued working on the circular winged plane from very
little plans or sketches. Patrick repaired the ROTC's Champ
after he broke it. Josh worked on z-bends for his flying
wing. Joe received some expertise from Garret on hinges and
servo connections. Lastly, Nick worked on the motor mounts
for his flying wing.
20 November 2012
Many students were excited
because this meeting was on a Tuesday before our
Thanksgiving break. The frenzy of foam and flying is evident
by student excitement and involvement. Student activities
ranged from finding parts, cutting planes, flying quads, to
soldering and gluing. Many students are anxious to complete
their flying wings by the time winter rolls around.
14 November 2012
New toys showed up for our
meeting today! Garret gathered the troops and flew the micro
quadrotor. There was a lot of excitement with that new toy.
Nick checked out the new products and admired our new flight
simulator. Many students spent the day building their planes
and helping one another. Garret also test flew his JetCat
with rudders. It performs amazingly well despite the extra
24 October 2012
A handful of students were
lucky enough to try flying for the first time at today's
meeting. Dr.V gave flight lessons on the extra mini biplane.
At least six students were able to fly on it before Nick
smacked it pretty hard into the ground. Repairs only took a
few minutes, and the plane was flying again shortly. The
very last photo shows some new toys the club acquired. The
students will enjoy flying the quad at the next meeting, and
playing with the new radio and flight simulator.
16 October 2012
Students couldn't wait to
join after the new member meeting. New members worked on
cutting out planes and revamping older ones. Many students
cut out Knight Fighters for combat flying. Students were
given time to work and enjoy the many fun aspects of this
hobby. It really helps to have a group of people working on
similar projects. There's always someone available to help.
10 October 2012
The new member meeting
occurred at this meeting. There was a flurry of excitement
and enthusiasm for flying airplanes and planes. As you can
see from the photos, the club meeting was busy today.
Students were allowed to try flying on the simulator only
today however, plans involve using the trainer planes next
week. Veteran students rebuilt planes and showed off their
flying skills.
3 October 2012
Today's meeting marked one
week from our first member meeting. Students at today's
meeting were thrilled with Garret's flying skills and the
Dynamic-S. After a few go-arounds for landing approaches,
Garret set the plane down gently. Students also had an
opportunity to try some flight simulator time and micro heli
time as well. After today's meeting, veteran club members
asked for a new flight simulator and another computer radio.
25 September 2012
Students were amazed at the
newest club airplane. Ryan and Garret both put the plane
through it's paces with vertical climbs and high speed
motor-off passes. The club members couldn't wait to get
their hands on this new toy. After demonstrating the new
plane's potential, students continued building and trying
new toys. The KnightFighter is still very popular with club
students, and many are now being built from 6mm Depron
instead of bluecor. The quality of bluecor went down and now
we can't build with it.
19 September 2012
Our first high performance
plane showed up in time for our club meeting. The plane's
directions state 30 minutes. After an hour and 15 minute we
decided the directions were wrong. Our biggest hangup was
the wrong battery. Dr.V purchased a 2 cell instead of a 3
cell. The motor won't spin at all. In the meantime, students
built planes and cleaned up for our first club meeting.
Recommendations were made for purchases and money was spent
on batteries, motors, and speed controls. We also found out
that Frankenquad is going to send us a free quad frame for
the club.
12 September 2012
Welcome back! The school year
started just a few days ago, and we're already digging
through the piles of old planes and finding the equipment we
misplaced in the wrong bins. It's always exciting to start
the school year because there are new ideas and new people.
Although the club does not accept new members until early
October, we won't turn anyone away if they show.
With a fresh start, students
gutted the supply cabinet and reorganized a lot of things.
We threw out many parts that are useless to us anymore. Our
supply cabinets are not overflowing but things collect
quickly. We have a few sheets of 6mm depron and a full case
of 3mm depron. If the CNC router shows up, that foam will be
used up quickly.
A few students were able to
fly their planes from last year at the meeting. We purchased
a new semi-hotliner called the Dynamic-S and it should be
here next week.
This year will be filled with
dreams of building new things, including hopes of a
quadrotor. I want to shoot aerial footage with the quad and
expose students to a new world of flying. We will likely
host another indoor funfly. This could bring in substantial
funds that we can use to buy new toys. I also want other
parts of the school to find out about our club and the
technology and engineering programs that we run.